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North Korea Ballistic Missile

h1> North Korea fires suspected intercontinental ballistic missile h2> Missile flew for more than an hour, Japanese officials say h3> Launch defies UN curbs on North Korea's missile program

North Korea has fired a suspected intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Japanese and South Korean officials have said.

The long-range missile flew for more than an hour before landing in the sea, according to Japanese officials.

The launch defies UN curbs on North Korea's missile program and comes just days after Pyongyang threatened to shoot down US spy planes.

South Korean authorities said the missile was launched from the Sunan area near Pyongyang, the North's capital.

They said the missile was fired on a lofted trajectory, which means it was fired at a high angle to reduce the distance it traveled.

The launch is North Korea's first test of a long-range missile since November 2017.

It comes amid heightened tensions between North Korea and the United States over Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.

The US has been pushing for tougher sanctions on North Korea, while Pyongyang has accused Washington of trying to topple its government.
