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North Korea Gdp 2024

North Korea's Economy: A Closed Centrally Planned System


North Korea's economy is centrally planned, with limited market allocation mechanisms following the Juche ideology. The government exerts strict control over economic activities, including production, distribution, and investment. As a result, the country's economy remains isolated and underdeveloped.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

In 2019, North Korea's GDP was estimated to be $18 billion, according to the World Bank. This figure represents a 0% increase from the previous year. The slow growth rate is attributed to the country's isolation, sanctions, and economic mismanagement.

Economic Cooperation

North Korea has limited engagement in international economic cooperation. However, there have been efforts to improve relations with South Korea and other countries in the region. These efforts have focused on issues such as inter-Korean economic cooperation and assisting academia, policymakers, and corporate sectors in better understanding North Korea's economic situation.


The economy of North Korea remains a mystery to many due to the country's isolation and lack of reliable data. However, the available information suggests that the economy is struggling under the weight of sanctions, economic mismanagement, and a closed centrally planned system. The future of North Korea's economy depends on the country's ability to reform and open up to the global market.
